FALCON – Safety Management System

Item no.:

FALCON is a comprehensive safety management system that transforms your emergency shower system, providing the security you need to prioritize employee safety and ensure continuous, effective safety measures.


FALCON is a comprehensive safety management system that transforms your emergency shower system, providing the security you need to prioritize employee safety and ensure continuous, effective safety measures. FALCON monitors your emergency showers and:
  • Collects data from all your showers in real-time – even across multiple buildings and locations.
  • Sends notifications to selected staff via phone and email if an emergency shower is activated and a colleague needs assistance.
  • Integrates via webhook, allowing FALCON to connect with other BMS systems for additional functionality and automation.
  • Sends maintenance staff notifications in case of deviations or other system errors.
  • Enables the creation of teams with online access to maintenance planning tools, such as information on shower sequence, route recommendations, checklists, and quick service tips.
  • Makes the collected data available to maintenance staff, allowing them to quickly and easily generate PDF reports.


  • Inlet/outlet: 1″/1″ smart plug
  • Min. flow rate: 10 litres/minute
  • Max. flow rate: 90 litres/minute
  • Min. working temperature: +1°C
  • Max. working temperature: +90°C


Documents Type File type/size
Onepager Brochure pdf (425.5 kb)
Quick Guide Brochure pdf (1.6 mb)

FALCON – Safety Management System

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